ClearGif has a say..

Why? Because we should.

So, You Need Advice?

A little while ago a intern asked me for advise. The question was just for some general advise about being a better Front-End Developer. Here is was I wrote back.

The best advise I can give you is to never think you have reached an expert level at anything.

Web development changes faster than you think. In a year from now 50% of what you know / do today will be old news. Keep learning, keep watching videos, talks, presentations and follow the big names in the industry.

Open a twitter account.

Use it only for keeping an eye on things that are happening - and the people who make them happen.

Use Chrome! Get onto a Mac. Learn to love command line. Lint your JavaScript.

People you need to follow / research:


Octopress ROCKS!

Been meaning to get a blog going for a while now. Even tried Octopress a while back but it did not go so well. Lucky for me I tried it again and it could not have been easier.

Will post any changes I am making to the config here.

Start here and you will be up and running in no time at all.

Going to try and post a few things each week. Let see how it goes.


  • changed to Kramdown